Friday, February 9, 2007

Not in the Name of Islam

WHAT: "Not in the Name of Islam" PSA Campaign Launch News Conference
WHEN: Thursday, July 14, 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: National Press Club, Zenger Room, 529 14th Street NW (13th Floor), Washington, D.C.
SATELLITE DISTRIBUTION: The PSA will be distributed by C-Band satellite on Thursday, July 14 at 2:00-2:15 p.m. (EDT), 11:00-11:15 a.m. (PT), IA 6 Transponder 16, D/L Freq: 4020 (H) 93°WL, Standard Audio: 6.2, 6.8 RE-FEED: Tuesday, July 19, 2:00-2:15 p.m. (EDT), 11:00-11:15 a.m. (PT), IA 6 Transponder 16, D/L Freq: 4020 (H) 93°WL, Standard Audio: 6.2, 6.8 (The PSA will also be available on CAIR's web site,, following Thursday's news conference.)

At the National Press Club news conference, CAIR will present the 30-second PSA featuring American Muslims stating: "We often hear claims Muslims don't condemn terrorism and that Islam condones violence. As Muslims, we want to state clearly that those who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam are betraying the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. We reject anyone ­ of any faith - who commits such brutal acts and will not allow our faith to be hijacked by criminals. Islam is not about hatred and violence. It's about peace and justice." BETA copies of the PSAs, produced by West Glen Communications, will be available at the news conference.

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