Friday, December 15, 2006

Muslim prayers have great health benefits – Study

The postures used during the Islamic prayer, or salat, have significant health benefits, according to a new study by a top Malaysian university.

Preliminary findings of a research project carried out by Universiti Malaya's biomedical engineering departmenU show that the positions Muslims take during their prayers benefit the heart and spine.

The study also showed that the postures boost the capacity for memory and increase attention.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the research reaffirmed the power of prayer in every Muslim’s life.

"The study investigates the physiological interactions and effects of the salat postures on the human body," said Abdullah, who likened salat postures to those practiced now in yoga.

"Since the majority of our population are Muslims, it is both of interest and importance that we not only understand the spiritual benefits of salat, but also ... its biological and medical effects," he added.

Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day; at dawn, midday, afternoon, sunset and evening. Each prayer consists of several simple positions during which Muslims recite verses from the Holy Qur’an.

Worshippers usually begin their prayers with a standing posture, followed by a deep bow and then a sitting position on the knees. The praying person then touches his/hers forehead to the ground, stands up and repeats the whole process until he/she finishes the prayer.

Previous studies found that Muslim prayers, often directed in the direction (qibla) of the Ka'ba shrine in Mecca, can be therapeutic for the mind and the body.

According to an article on, the postures of the prayers stretch various muscles and nerves, giving a constant physical therapy to all the joints of our bodies. This protects arthritis, and reduces back pains and disc problems.

Since praying provides Muslims with mental satisfaction, it can also reduce anxiety, depression, stress and tension which are also considered to be contributing factors to various diseases.

Moreover, performing ablution, which involves washing the face, mouth, nostrils, ears, and arms before praying, has great health advantages, like preventing tooth decay, and reducing bacterial infections.

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